Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Butcher Block (cont.)

This butcher block cart was finished some time ago, so it's time to catch the blog up so we can move on to other projects.

After the top returned from the wide drum sander at the cabinet shop, it was time to slice it up again.

A few of the strips broke, highlighting where I probably didn't get enough glue during the first glue-up.  Re-glue and clamp:

From there it was just flipping every other section end for end and gluing up.  This time around, I only did a couple sections at a time until complete.  Back to the cabinet shop for a wide belt sanding and the top was complete.

That's when I noticed I hadn't flipped the last section... DOH!  I couldn't live with it that way, so I sliced that section back off, glued it back on the correct way, and went back to the cabinet shop one last time.

From there, it was straight forward: round over the top and treat with mineral oil, a basic cabinet made of solid eastern maple and maple ply made with mortise and tenon joinery, a poly finish on the cabinet, mineral oil on the top, and some smooth-moving locking casters that don't look quite right.  I am on the lookout for some less-conspicuous casters, but other than that, this project turned out well and got approval from the boss.